RBTD You have the Capacity!
Do you believe that I have the CAPACITY to do what I was created and born to DO?
There are those who do not think that I am able to hold and produce much.
They have limited what I have to offer in this life to a small soup bowl or a little cup.
They think that they know me and have me all sized up.
They see me one way; and they think that my current state is where I will stay.
Those people have limited my earth destiny.
Oh, wait a minute those people can only really matter if one of those people include me.
I am the only one who can truly limit my life and prevent me from becoming, embracing, revealing, unleashing and walking in my God Determine and Ordained (DO) destiny.
I was formed and fashioned by God, with Him I have the CAPACITY to BE who he created me to BE.